Symantec VIP Apps

VIP Access
Symantec VIP
Symantec VIP Access helps protect your onlineaccounts and transactions by using a strong authentication processwhen you sign in to your VIP-enabled accounts.• Strong authentication: Provides strong, two-factor authenticationwhen logging into your VIP-enabled accounts.• VIP Access Proximity: Securely lock and unlock your computerusing your mobile device.• QR/App Code: Scan a QR Code to generate site-specific securitycodes for strong two-factor authentication to your favoritewebsites.Use VIP Access at participating organizations such as eBay, PayPal,E*TRADE, Facebook, Google, or any one of the hundreds of siteswithin the VIP Network: AuthenticationVIP Access adds strong authentication to your normal login in oneof the following ways:• Dynamically generate a one-time use security code on your mobiledevice. Use that code along with your username and password.• Receive a push notification on your mobile device that youapprove as authentication.• Use fingerprint or your security code in a push notification toauthenticate yourself on your mobile device.Note: Fingerprint authentication requires that your mobile deviceis fingerprint capable and that you have registered a fingerprinton the device.The strong authentication method you use depends on the methodimplemented by your participating organization.You can generate a security code even if you do not have a networkor mobile connection.VIP Access Proximity (requires Mac)When used with the VIP Access for Desktop app, VIP Access cansecurely lock and unlock your Mac computer with your mobile device.VIP Access will use your mobile device as a credential to unlockyour computer when you are close to it, and to lock it when youmove away.• For greater security, you can require a fingerprint or pushnotification, in addition to device proximity, to unlock yourcomputer.• Using VIP Access Proximity, you can forward your pushnotifications to a paired computer by enabling settings throughProximity screen.To use VIP Access Proximity feature, download and install the VIPAccess for Desktop on your computer from CodesScan a QR Code at participating organizations such as Google,Facebook, Amazon, and more to generate a security code every 30seconds to securely sign in. Enter this security code along withyour password to add strong authentication to your favoritewebsites.Be sure to read the VIP End User Agreement after downloading VIPAccess: